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法律声明 Legal Notices

法律声明 Legal Notices

以下规则(以下称“使用条款“)适用于所有访问 AID 平台的用户或浏览者,AID 平台保留根据国家法律法规及市场行情等变化修改这些规则的权利。访问本网站的权利由 AID 根据下列条款授予。如果您不同意下列任何条款、请停止使用本网址。对于违反这些规则的行为,AID 有权采取法律和公平的补救措施。
The following rules (hereinafter referred to as "Terms of Use") apply to all users or viewers who access the AID platform. The AID platform reserves the right to modify these rules based on changes in national laws and regulations, market conditions, etc. The right to access this website is granted by AID subject to the following terms. If you do not agree to any of the following terms, please stop using this website. AID reserves the right to pursue legal and equitable remedies for violations of these rules.

网站内容 Website content

AID 平台所载的材料和信息,包括但不限于文本、图片、数据、观点、建议、网页或链接,虽然 AID 力图在网站上提供准确的材料和信息,但 AID 并不保证这些材料和内容的准确、完整、充分和可靠性,并且明确声明不对这些材料和内容的错误或遗漏承担责任,也不对这些材料和内容作出任何明示或默示的、包括但不限于有关所有权担保、没有侵犯第三方权利、质量和没有计算机病毒的保证。
The materials and information contained on the AID platform, including but not limited to text, pictures, data, opinions, suggestions, web pages or links. Although AID strives to provide accurate materials and information on the website, AID does not guarantee the accuracy of these materials and content. Accurate, complete, adequate and reliable, and expressly declares that it is not responsible for errors or omissions in these materials and content, nor does it make any express or implied warranty, including but not limited to, guarantees of ownership and non-infringement of third parties, with respect to these materials and content. TITLE, QUALITY AND FREEDOM FROM COMPUTER VIRUSES WARRANTY.
AID 可以在没有任何通知或提示的情况下随时对网站上的内容进行修改,为了得到最新版本的信息,请您定时访问本网站。AID(含其关联网站)在本网站上所提及的非 AID 产品或服务仅仅是为了提供相关信息,并不构成对这些产品、服务的认可或推荐。AID 并不就网址上提供的任何产品、服务或信息做出任何声明、保证或认可,所有销售的产品和服务应受 AID 的销售合同和条款的约束。
AID can modify the content on the website at any time without any notice or prompt. In order to obtain the latest version of information, please visit this website regularly. The non-AID products or services mentioned by AID (including its affiliated websites) on this website are only to provide relevant information and do not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of these products and services. AID does not make any representations, warranties or endorsements of any products, services or information provided on the website, and all products and services sold shall be subject to AID's sales contracts and terms.

软件内容 Software content

本平台上所有源代码和二进制形式的软件、示例代码、API、SDK、相关文档和其他相关材料(统称“软件”)的所有权,包括所适用的知识产权归 AID 或其许可方所有。除非您根据与 AID 或其关联公司的相关协议另行获得相应许可,本网站使用条款不就软件提供任何形式的许可,您不得对软件进行反向工程、反编译、反汇编、拆解、改编、植入或其他派生操作,不得以任何方式研究 AID 产品内部实现、获取产品源代码、窃取知识产权等,也不得披露任何软件性能测试的结果。
Ownership of all source code and binary forms of software, sample code, APIs, SDKs, related documentation and other related materials on the Platform (collectively, the "Software"), including applicable intellectual property rights, belongs to AID or its licensors. Unless you otherwise obtain corresponding permissions in accordance with relevant agreements with AID or its affiliates, the terms of use of this website do not provide any form of license for the software. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, disassemble, adapt, or modify the software. Implantation or other derivative operations are not allowed to study the internal implementation of AID products in any way, obtain product source code, steal intellectual property rights, etc., and are not allowed to disclose the results of any software performance tests.

您对本网站的使用 Use

  • 您不得出于任何非法或本使用条款禁止的目的使用本网站和/或其包含的任何内容,不得将本网站和/或其包含的任何内容用于任何非法用途,也不得唆使任何非法活动或其他侵犯 AID 或他人权利的活动。
    You may not use this website and/or any content it contains for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms of Use, you may not use this website and/or any content it contains for any illegal purpose, nor may you instigate any illegal activity or Other activities that infringe the rights of AID or others.

  • 您不得以任何非法方式,在未经授权的情况下访问本网站及其任何部分,或接受通过本网站提供的任何服务,或连接到 AID 服务器的任何其他系统或网络。
    You may not gain unauthorized access to this website, any part of it, or receive any services provided through this website or any other system or network connected to AID's servers through any illegal means.

  • 您同意不会采取任何会对本网站及其相关的架构、系统、网络带来不合理或不成比例的高负载的行为。
    You agree not to take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately high load on this website and its related architecture, systems, and networks.

  • 您不得通过本网站未提供的方式获取或试图获取本网站的任何内容,亦不得使用任何自动或手动的流程、抓取设备、程序、算法或方法,来访问、获取、拷贝或监控本网站的任何组成部分或内容。
    You may not obtain or attempt to obtain any content on this website through methods not provided by this website, nor may you use any automatic or manual process, crawling device, program, algorithm or method to access, obtain, copy or monitor the content of this website. any component or content.

  • 您不得以扫描等方式测试本网站和/或其网络是否存在漏洞,亦不得破坏网站及其服务所采用的安全或身份验证措施。您不得反向搜索、跟踪或试图跟踪有关 AID 及本网站的任何其他用户或访客的任何信息;亦不得以任何方式滥用或泄露网站内的任何服务或信息。
    You may not test whether the Website and/or its network are vulnerable by scanning or other means, nor may you breach the security or authentication measures adopted by the Website and its services. You may not reverse search, track or attempt to track any information about AID or any other user or visitor of this website; nor may you abuse or disclose any services or information on the website in any way.

  • 您不得以任何方式(包括但不限于使用任何设备、软件或程序)干扰或试图干扰本网站的正常运作及其他人对本网站的正常使用。
    You may not interfere or attempt to interfere in any manner (including, without limitation, using any device, software or routine) with the proper working of the Site and the normal use of the Site by others.

  • 您同意在使用本网站及其内容时,遵守国家法律法规、社会公共道德。您不得利用本网站及其内容从事制作、查阅、复制和传播任何违法、侵犯他人权益等扰乱社会秩序、破坏社会稳定的行为,亦不得利用本网站及其内容从事任何危害或试图危害计算机系统及网络安全的活动。
    You agree to abide by national laws and regulations and social public ethics when using this website and its content. You may not use this website and its content to engage in production, review, copy and disseminate any behavior that is illegal, infringes upon the rights of others, or disrupts social order or undermines social stability. You may not use this website and its content to engage in any harm or attempt to harm computer systems and Cybersecurity activities.

商标 Trademark

AID 网站上使用和显示的所有商标、标志皆属 AID 或其许可人所有。AID 网站所载的任何内容不应被视作未经 AID 或其他方书面许可,以暗示、不反对或其他形式授予使用前述任何商标、标志的许可或权利。未经事先书面许可,任何人不得以任何方式使用 AID 名称及 AID 的商标、标记。
All trademarks and logos used and displayed on AID's website belong to AID or its licensors. Any content contained on the AID website shall not be deemed to grant by implication, estoppel or otherwise any license or right to use any of the aforementioned trademarks or logos without the written permission of AID or other parties. Without prior written permission, no one may use the AID name and AID's trademarks and marks in any way.

本网站所载的所有材料或内容受版权法的保护,所有版权由 AID 或其许可方拥有,但注明引用其他方的内容除外。未经 AID 或其他方事先书面许可,任何人不得将本网站上的任何内容以任何方式进行复制、修改、传播、经销、翻印、播放、拆解、反向工程、反编译、以超级链路连接或传送、以镜像法载入其他服务器上、存储于信息检索系统或者其他任何的使用。
All materials and contents stated in this website are protected by copyright law, and all copyrights are owned by AID or its licensors, except contents cited from other places stated. Without the prior written permission of AID or other parties, no one may copy, modify, disseminate, distribute, reproduce, broadcast, disassemble, reverse engineer, decompile, or use hyperlinks in any way to any content on this website. Connect or transmit, mirror onto other servers, store in information retrieval systems or for any other use.

提供的产品或服务 Products or services

Due to the international or borderless nature of the Internet, the information provided through this website is also international and may contain references to products or services that are not released in your country/region, so not all of the information on this website is The products or services mentioned are available in your country or region, please contact your local sales representative or distributor to learn about the products or services available in your country or region.

本网站可能保留有与第三方网站或网址的链接,访问这些链接将由用户自己作出决定,AID 并不保证这些链接上所提供的任何信息、数据、观点、图片、陈述或建议的准确性、完整性、充分性和可靠性。AID 提供这些链接仅仅在于提供方便,并不表示 AID 对这些信息的认可和推荐,也不是用于宣传或广告目的。

This website may retain links to third-party websites or URLs. Accessing these links will be at the user's own discretion. AID does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of any information, data, opinions, pictures, statements or suggestions provided on these links. ity, adequacy and reliability. AID provides these links only for convenience and does not mean that AID endorses and recommends this information, nor is it used for promotional or advertising purposes.

免责声明 Disclaimer

AID 不应对间接、附带、特殊或任何形式的惩罚性赔偿承担任何责任,也不应对任何利润、收入、数据、数据使用的损失承担任何责任。除非 AID 在销售合同中另行书面同意,在适用法允许的范围内,AID 不对本网站的“资料”承担任何责任,不论该责任因何原因引起或者基于何种侵权理论。
AID shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special or punitive damages of any kind, nor shall AID be liable for any loss of profits, revenue, data, data use. Unless AID otherwise agrees in writing in the sales contract, to the extent permitted by applicable law, AID does not assume any liability for the "Materials" on this website regardless of the cause or theory of tort.

适用法律与争议解决 Governing Law and Dispute resolution

You agree that all matters related to your access or use of this website shall be interpreted, understood and governed in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China. You agree that the competent court in Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China shall have relevant jurisdiction.