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用户协议 User Agreement

  • 您在使用流程中点击同意本协议之前,应当认真阅读本协议。请您务必审慎阅读、充分理解各条款内容,特别是免除或者限制责任的条款、法律适用和争议解决条款(如果您是未满 18 周岁的未成年人,审阅时应由法定监护人陪同),特别是粗体下划线标识之处,您应重点阅读。如您对协议有任何疑问,可向 AID 客服咨询。
    You should read this Agreement carefully before clicking to agree to this Agreement during the use process. Please be sure to carefully read and fully understand the contents of each clause, especially the clauses exempting or limiting liability, legal application and dispute resolution clauses (if you are a minor under 18 years old, you should be accompanied by a legal guardian during the review), especially It is marked in bold and underlined, and you should read it carefully. If you have any questions about the agreement, you can consult AID customer service.

  • 当您按照启动页面提示并同意本协议且完成全部注册程序后,即表示您已充分阅读、理解并接受本协议的全部内容,并与 AID 达成一致,成为 AID 用户(下称"用户"或"您")。阅读本协议的过程中,如果您不同意本协议或其中任何条款约定,您应立即停止注册程序。
    When you follow the prompts on the startup page and agree to this agreement and complete all registration procedures, it means that you have fully read, understood and accepted all the contents of this agreement, and reached an agreement with AID to become an AID user (hereinafter referred to as "user" or " you"). While reading this Agreement, if you do not agree with this Agreement or any of its terms, you should immediately stop the registration process.

适用范围 Scope of application

  • 本协议由您和 AID 服务提供者签署,自您确认接受之时起或自您使用 AID 的行为发生之时起(以时间在先者为准)生效。
    This agreement is signed by you and the AID service provider and takes effect from the time you confirm your acceptance or from the time your use of AID occurs (whichever comes first).

  • AID 的《隐私政策》、《法律声明》以及未来新增的其他协议及平台规则等是本协议不可分割的组成部分,如您使用 AID 及其对应的服务,视为您同意并遵守上述协议及平台规则。
    AID's "Privacy Policy", "Legal Statement" and other agreements and platform rules that will be added in the future are an integral part of this agreement. If you use AID and its corresponding services, you will be deemed to agree to and abide by the above agreements and Platform rules.

  • 除非另有明确规定,AID 新增的任何新功能、新产品、新服务,均无条件地适用本协议。
    Unless otherwise expressly provided, any new functions, new products, and new services added by AID shall be unconditionally applicable to this Agreement.

账户注册与使用 Account registration and use

在您使用 AID 的服务时,需要您先进行用户注册或者实名认证。
When you use AID's services, you are required to perform user registration or real-name authentication first.

用户资格 User Qualifications

您确认,在您开始注册程序使用 AID 服务前,您应当具备中华人民共和国法律规定的与您行为相适应的民事行为能力。若您不具备前述与您行为相适应的民事行为能力而进行用户注册,则您及您的监护人应依照法律规定承担因此而导致的一切后果。
You confirm that before you start the registration process to use AID services, you should have the civil capacity appropriate to your behavior as stipulated by the laws of the People's Republic of China. If you register as a user without the aforementioned civil capacity appropriate to your behavior, you and your guardian shall bear all consequences resulting therefrom in accordance with legal provisions.

您知悉,无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人不当注册为 AID 用户的,其与 AID 之间的服务协议自始无效,一经发现,AID 有权立即停止为该用户服务或注销该用户账号。
You know that if a person without capacity for civil conduct or a person with limited capacity for civil conduct improperly registers as an AID user, the service agreement between him and AID will be invalid from the beginning. Once discovered, AID has the right to immediately stop serving the user or cancel the user account. .

账户注册 Account registration

账户注册是指用户登录 AID,按要求填写相关信息并确认同意履行本协议的过程。您的注册信息不得包含有违反法律法规和社会道德的内容,您亦不得在注册中宣称您是您无权代表的主体或具备实际不具备的资质。如有证据证明或 AID 根据相关规则判断您存在不当注册或不当使用多个 AID 账户的情形,AID 可采取冻结或关闭账户、拒绝提供服务等措施,如给 AID 及相关方造成损失的,AID 有权追究您的相关责任。
Account registration refers to the process in which users log in to AID, fill in relevant information as required, and confirm their agreement to perform this agreement. Your registration information shall not contain content that violates laws, regulations and social ethics, and you shall not declare in your registration that you are a subject that you are not authorized to represent or that you have qualifications that you do not actually possess. If there is evidence or AID determines that you have improperly registered or improperly used multiple AID accounts based on relevant rules, AID may take measures such as freezing or closing accounts, refusing to provide services, etc. If losses are caused to AID and related parties, AID may The right to hold you accountable.

账户安全 Account Security

您有权使用您设置并确认的手机号及密码登录 AID。您的账户由您自行设置并由您保管,AID 在任何时候均不会主动要求您提供您的账户密码。因此,建议您务必保管好您的账户。您的账户发生的任何行为均视为您的行为,您需对您账户项下发生的一切行为负责。若账户因您主动泄露或因您遭受他人攻击、诈骗等行为导致的损失及后果,AID 并不承担责任,您应通过司法、行政等救济途径向侵权行为人追偿。
You have the right to log in to AID using the mobile phone number and password you set and confirmed. Your account is set up by you and is kept by you. AID will not proactively ask you to provide your account password at any time. Therefore, it is recommended that you keep your account safe. Any actions that occur under your account are deemed to be your actions, and you are responsible for all actions that occur under your account. AID is not responsible for the losses and consequences caused by your active disclosure of the account or because you are attacked or defrauded by others. You should seek compensation from the infringer through judicial, administrative and other relief channels.

由于您的 AID 平台账户关联您的个人信息,您的 AID 平台账户仅限您本人使用。未经 AID 平台同意,您直接或间接授权第三方使用您 AID 平台账户或获取您账户项下信息的行为无效。如 AID 根据平台规则中约定的违约认定程序及标准判断您的账户使用可能危及您的账户安全及/或 AID 平台信息安全的,AID 平台可拒绝提供相应服务或终止本协议。
Since your AID platform account is associated with your personal information, your AID platform account can only be used by you. Without the consent of AID Platform, your direct or indirect authorization of a third party to use your AID Platform account or obtain information under your account is invalid. If AID determines that the use of your account may endanger the security of your account and/or the security of AID platform information based on the breach determination procedures and standards agreed in the platform rules, AID platform may refuse to provide corresponding services or terminate this agreement.

账户转让 Account Transfer

仅在有法律明文规定、司法裁定或经 AID 平台同意,并符合 AID 平台规则规定的用户账户转让流程的情况下,您可进行账户的转让。您的账户一经转让,该账户项下权利义务一并转移。除此以外,您的账户不得以任何方式转让,否则 AID 平台有权追究您的违约责任,且由此产生的责任及后果均由您自行承担。
You can transfer your account only if there are express legal provisions, judicial rulings, or with the consent of the AID platform and in compliance with the user account transfer process stipulated in the AID platform rules. Once your account is transferred, the rights and obligations under the account will be transferred together. Except for this, your account may not be transferred in any way, otherwise the AID platform has the right to hold you responsible for breach of contract, and the resulting responsibilities and consequences will be borne by you.

更新维护 Updates and Maintenance

您应当及时更新您提供的信息,在法律有明确规定要求 AID 作为平台服务提供者必须对部分用户的信息进行核实的情况下,AID 将依法不时地对您的信息进行检查核实,您应当配合提供最新、真实、完整、有效的信息。
You should update the information you provide in a timely manner. When the law clearly requires AID, as a platform service provider, to verify the information of some users, AID will check and verify your information from time to time in accordance with the law. You should cooperate in providing The latest, true, complete and valid information.

如 AID 按您最后一次提供的信息与您联系未果、您未按 AID 的要求及时提供信息、您提供的信息存在明显不实或行政司法机关核实您提供的信息无效的,您将承担因此对您自身、他人及 AID 造成的全部损失与不利后果。AID 可向您发出询问或要求整改的通知,并要求您进行重新认证,直至中止、终止对您提供部分或全部 AID 平台服务,AID 对此不承担任何责任。
If AID fails to contact you based on the information you last provided, you fail to provide information in time as required by AID, the information you provide is obviously untrue, or the administrative and judicial authorities verify that the information you provided is invalid, you will be responsible for any consequences to you. All losses and adverse consequences caused by yourself, others and AID. AID may send you a notice of inquiry or request for rectification, and require you to re-certify, until it suspends or terminates the provision of some or all of the AID platform services to you, for which AID does not bear any responsibility.

您的权利和义务 Your rights and obligations

  • 您有权根据本协议的约定享受 AID 提供的生成式人工智能服务,服务内容由 AID 根据业务需要提供。
    You have the right to enjoy the generative artificial intelligence services provided by AID in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, and the service content is provided by AID based on business needs.

  • 您应当保证在使用 AID 时杜绝不正当行为,不扰乱平台正常秩序。
    You should ensure that you avoid improper behavior when using AID and do not disrupt the normal order of the platform.

  • 您不得向 AID 输入或诱导 AID 向您输出包含以下内容的言论,否则 AID 平台可对您发布的信息依本协议进行删除或屏蔽,并将您违反相关法律法规的情况和向有关机关报告:
    You shall not input to AID or induce AID to output to you any remarks containing the following content. Otherwise, the AID platform may delete or block the information you posted in accordance with this Agreement, and report your violation of relevant laws and regulations to the relevant authorities:

Violates the basic principles established by the Constitution;

Endangering national security, leaking state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity;

Harmful to national honor and interests;

Distorting, vilifying, blaspheming, or denying the deeds and spirit of heroes and martyrs, and infringing upon the names, portraits, reputations, and honors of heroes and martyrs by insulting, slandering, or otherwise;

Promote terrorism or extremism or incite the implementation of terrorist activities or extremist activities;

Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, and undermining ethnic unity;

Undermining national religious policies and promoting cults and feudal superstitions;

Spread rumors and disrupt economic and social order;

Spread obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or instigate crimes;

Insulting or slandering others, infringing on others' reputation, privacy and other legitimate rights and interests;

Use exaggerated titles, and the content is seriously inconsistent with the titles;

12、 炒作绯闻、丑闻、劣迹等的;
Hyping up scandals, scandals, misdeeds, etc.;

13、 不当评述自然灾害、重大事故等灾难的;
Improperly commenting on natural disasters, major accidents and other disasters;

14、 带有性暗示、性挑逗等易使人产生性联想的;
With sexual hints, sexual provocation, etc. that can easily lead to sexual associations;

Inciting group discrimination, regional discrimination, etc.;

16、 宣扬低俗、庸俗、媚俗内容的;
Promote vulgar, vulgar, and kitsch content;

17、 可能引发未成年人模仿不安全行为和违反社会公德行为、诱导未成年人不良嗜好、诱导未成年人沉迷网络、不利于未成年人身心健康、涉及未成年人暴力欺凌等不良行为的;
It may cause minors to imitate unsafe behaviors and violate social ethics, induce minors to have bad habits, induce minors to become addicted to the Internet, be detrimental to the physical and mental health of minors, involve minors in violent bullying and other bad behaviors;

Performances that contain terror, violence and gore, are highly dangerous, endanger the physical and mental health of yourself or others, including but not limited to any violence or/and suicide, self-injury, self-mutilation, any performance that threatens life and health, or the use of controlled substances and other dangerous equipment Content that endangers the personal or (and) property rights of oneself or others, encourages or induces others to participate in dangerous or illegal activities that may cause personal injury or death;

Involving illegal and prohibited items, including but not limited to: drugs, illegal drugs, illegal tools, etc., such as marijuana, opium, counterfeit currency, guns, tobacco, explosives, circumvention software, plug-in programs and other contents;

Involving illegal and prohibited activities, including but not limited to: pyramid schemes, fetal gender identification, selling fake goods and other content;

21、 其他法律、行政法规所禁止的,能够对网络生态造成不良影响的内容。
Content that is prohibited by other laws and administrative regulations and can have a negative impact on the network ecology.

When you publish comments and pictures, in addition to complying with these terms, you should also comply with relevant national laws and regulations. You are solely responsible for any content you input and output.

您不应以下方式不当使用 AID You should not use AID inappropriately in the following ways

  • 以侵犯任何人权利的方式使用 AID,用于欺诈、诈骗、发送垃圾短信/邮件、误导、欺凌、骚扰、歧视或宣扬仇恨、他人痛苦等途径;
    Use AID in a manner that infringes on anyone's rights, by defrauding, defrauding, sending spam text messages/emails, misleading, bullying, harassing, discriminating, or promoting hatred and suffering of others;

  • 未经授权向 AID 提供或通过 AID 收集、处理、披露、推断或生成他人的个人信息;
    Providing to AID or collecting, processing, disclosing, inferring or generating personal information of others through AID without authorization;

  • 对 AID 的任何算法、源代码、机制等进行反向工程,或以任何方式试图从 AID 中提取数据;
    Reverse engineer any algorithm, source code, mechanism, etc. of AID, or attempt to extract data from AID in any way;

  • 将 AID 使用于任何对主体资格有要求或需要专业人员审查的服务中,或作为专业服务的替代品,包括但不限于医疗、律师、新闻、教育、投资理财等专业领域;
    Use AID in any service that requires subject qualifications or requires professional review, or as a substitute for professional services, including but not limited to medical, lawyer, news, education, investment and financial management and other professional fields;

  • 利用 AID 用于任何决策行为,如在健康、教育、信贷、金融、关键基础设施管理等对个人及社会的安全、权利或福祉有重大影响的领域做出高风险的自动化决策;
    Use AID for any decision-making behavior, such as making high-risk automated decisions in areas such as health, education, credit, finance, critical infrastructure management, etc. that have a significant impact on the safety, rights, or well-being of individuals and society;

  • 以包括但不限于复制、截屏、录屏、共享屏幕、直播、等方式传播或发布您利用 AID 生成的不当内容;
    Disseminate or publish inappropriate content generated by your use of AID through methods including but not limited to copying, screenshots, screen recording, screen sharing, live broadcast, etc.;

  • 以不诚实的方式使用,主张或声称人工智能的生成物是人类的作品,或将人类的作品伪装为人工智能的生成物;
    Use in a dishonest manner, assert or claim that artificial intelligence products are the work of humans, or disguise human works as artificial intelligence products;

  • 构建可能不适合未成人的应用、工具、产品、服务;
    Build applications, tools, products, and services that may not be suitable for minors;

  • 以任何方式删除、篡改、隐匿 AID 在生出内容中生成的深度合成服务标识,无论该种标识以何种形式体现。
    Delete, tamper with or hide the deep synthesis service identifier generated by AID in the generated content in any way, regardless of the form in which such identifier is embodied.

  • 其他可能损害 AID 利益的使用方式。
    Other uses that may harm the interests of AID.

  • 您利用 AID 向任何第三方提供服务,相应的权利义务和责任均由您承担,AID 不对由此造成的任何损失负责
    If you use AID to provide services to any third party, the corresponding rights, obligations and responsibilities shall be borne by you. AID shall not be responsible for any losses caused thereby.

  • 您在海外使用 AID 应遵守美国、欧盟和/或其他政府机关等外国实体的全部法律、法规、政策的限制与监督。您不得将 AID 或使用 AID 开发的任何产品转售、出口或转移至受监管控制的特定国家和特定人士。未事先获得相关政府机关的必要批准及团队事先同意,您不得直接或间接出口 AID 或包含有 AID 的任何技术
    Your use of AID overseas shall comply with all laws, regulations, and policy restrictions and supervision of foreign entities such as the United States, the European Union, and/or other government agencies. You may not resell, export or transfer AID or any products developed using AID to specific countries and specific persons subject to regulatory control. You may not directly or indirectly export AID or any technology containing AID without first obtaining the necessary approvals from the relevant government agencies and the prior consent of the team.

  • 您有权通过 AID 产品界面的相关路径,或通过向 AID 发送邮件的方式进行投诉与举报。AID 将评估您的投诉与举报,并采取相应的措施
    You have the right to make complaints and reports through the relevant paths in the AID product interface or by sending emails to AID. AID will evaluate your complaints and reports and take appropriate measures

  • AID 为您提供的非会员服务当前是免费的,但可能具有调用次数、生成能力等方面的限制,未来还可能视 AID 的经营计划调整而改为收费,AID 不保证您能持续免费地使用 AID 提供的各项服务。如免费提供的调用次数和生成能力无法满足您的需求,欢迎您成为 AID 的会员
    The non-member services provided by AID to you are currently free, but may have restrictions on the number of calls, generation capabilities, etc. In the future, they may be changed to charges depending on the adjustment of AID's business plan. AID does not guarantee that you can continue to use AID for free. Various services provided. If the number of calls and generation capabilities provided for free cannot meet your needs, you are welcome to become a member of AID

AID 的权利和义务 AID Rights and Obligations

1、AID 有义务在现有技术上维护整个平台的正常运行,并努力提升和改进技术,保障您的产品和服务使用体验。
AID is obliged to maintain the normal operation of the entire platform based on existing technology, and strive to upgrade and improve technology to ensure your product and service experience.

2、对于您在注册使用 AID 平台时遇到的与本产品或服务有关的问题及反映的情况,AID 将在法律规定期限内及时作出回复。
For any problems and feedback related to this product or service that you encounter when registering to use the AID platform, AID will respond promptly within the time limit specified by law.

3、 AID 依法需要履行网络信息内容生态治理义务,对于您在 AID 平台上的不当行为,或任何 AID 认为应当终止服务的情况,AID 有权实施屏蔽相关信息、终止提供服务等处理措施,并将相关情况及时通知于您和告知有关部门;您对 AID 的处理措施存在异议的,可以提供相关证据予以说明。若经核实,您的行为确有违反本平台用户协议或违法违规情况的,AID 有权终止对您提供服务。
AID is required by law to fulfill its obligations in ecological governance of network information content. Regarding your inappropriate behavior on the AID platform, or any situation where AID believes that the service should be terminated, AID has the right to implement measures such as blocking relevant information and terminating the provision of services, and will We will notify you and relevant departments of the relevant situation in a timely manner; if you have objections to AID's handling measures, you can provide relevant evidence to explain. If it is verified that your behavior does violate the user agreement of this platform or violates laws and regulations, AID has the right to terminate services to you.

4、AID 将尽最大努力、采取必要合理措施,保障 AID 网络安全和稳定运行。
AID will do its best to take necessary and reasonable measures to ensure the security and stable operation of the AID network.

服务协议的终止 Termination of Service Agreement

您有权通过以下任一方式终止本协议 You have the right to terminate this Agreement

  • 您注销您的账户的;
    You cancel your account;

  • 变更事项生效前您停止使用并明示不愿接受变更事项的;
    You stop using the product before the changes take effect and express your unwillingness to accept the changes;

  • 您明示不愿继续使用 AID 平台服务,且符合平台终止条件的。
    You expressly express your unwillingness to continue using the AID platform services and meet the platform termination conditions.

由您向 AID 提出注销账号申请后,经 AID 审核同意,由 AID 注销该注册用户,您即解除与 AID 的服务协议关系。
After you submit an account cancellation application to AID, and upon review and approval by AID, AID will cancel the registered user, and you will terminate the service agreement with AID.

  • 在下列情况下,AID 可以通过注销用户的方式终止服务:
    Under the following circumstances, AID may terminate the service by logging out the user:

  • 在您违反本服务协议相关规定时,AID 依据违约条款终止本协议。AID 将在终止服务时通知您。但如您在 AID 终止提供服务后,再一次直接或间接以他人名义注册为 AID 用户的,AID 有权再次单方面终止向您提供服务;
    When you violate the relevant provisions of this Service Agreement, AID will terminate this Agreement in accordance with the breach of contract clause. AID will notify you when the service is terminated. However, if you directly or indirectly register as an AID user in the name of another person after AID terminates the provision of services, AID has the right to unilaterally terminate the provision of services to you again;

  • 如 AID 通过您提供的信息与您联系时,发现您在注册时填写的电子邮箱或手机等已不存在或无法接收信息的,经 AID 以您在注册时填写的其他联系方式通知您更改,而您在三个工作日内仍未能提供,或 AID 无法根据您注册时预留的信息联系到您的;
    If AID contacts you through the information you provided and finds that the email address or mobile phone you filled in when registering no longer exists or is unable to receive information, AID will notify you of the change using other contact information you filled in when registering. You still fail to provide it within three working days, or AID cannot contact you based on the information you reserved when registering;

  • 经 AID 发现您注册信息中主要内容是虚假的;
    AID has discovered that the main content of your registration information is false;

  • 本服务协议终止或更新时,您明示不愿接受新的服务协议的;
    When this service agreement is terminated or updated, you expressly do not want to accept the new service agreement;

  • 您在 AID 平台有发布违法信息、侵犯他人合法权益或其他严重违法违约行为的;
    You have published illegal information on the AID platform, infringed upon the legitimate rights and interests of others, or committed other serious violations of laws and regulations;

  • 除上述情形外,因您多次违反 AID 平台规则相关规定且情节严重,AID 依据平台规则对您的账户予以查封的;
    In addition to the above circumstances, because you have repeatedly violated the relevant provisions of the AID platform rules and the circumstances are serious, AID has sealed your account in accordance with the platform rules;

  • 其它 AID 认为需终止服务的情况。
    Other situations where AID deems it necessary to terminate the service.

协议终止后的处理 What to do after the agreement is terminated

本协议终止后,除法律有明确规定外,AID 无义务向您或您指定的第三方披露您账户中的任何信息。
After the termination of this Agreement, AID has no obligation to disclose any information in your account to you or a third party designated by you, unless otherwise expressly provided by law.

本协议终止后,AID 仍享有下列权利:
After the termination of this Agreement, AID still enjoys the following rights:

  • 在匿名化处理您的用户信息的前提下,继续保存您留存于 AID 平台的各类信息;
    On the premise of anonymizing your user information, continue to save all kinds of information you have retained on the AID platform;

  • 对于您过往的违约行为,AID 仍可依据本协议向您追究违约责任。
    For your past breach of contract, AID may still pursue liability for breach of contract from you in accordance with this Agreement.

通知 Notification

  • 您在注册成为 AID 平台用户,并接受 AID 服务时,您应该向 AID 提供真实有效的联系方式,对于联系方式发生变更的,您有义务及时更新有关信息,并保持可被联系的状态。
    When you register as an AID platform user and receive AID services, you should provide AID with true and effective contact information. If your contact information changes, you are obliged to update the relevant information in a timely manner and remain contactable.

您在注册 AID 平台用户时生成的账户用于登录 AID 平台,也作为您的有效联系方式。
The account you generated when registering as an AID platform user is used to log in to the AID platform and also serves as your effective contact information.

AID 将向您的上述联系方式送达各类通知,而此类通知的内容可能对您的权利义务产生重大的有利或不利影响,请您务必及时关注。
AID will send various notices to your above contact information, and the contents of such notices may have a significant positive or negative impact on your rights and obligations, so please be sure to pay attention in a timely manner.

  • AID 通过上述联系方式向您发出通知,其中以电子的方式发出的书面通知,包括但不限于在 AID 平台公告,向您提供的联系电话发送手机短信,向您的电子邮箱发送电子邮件,在发送成功后即视为送达。
    AID sends notices to you through the above contact information, including written notices issued electronically, including but not limited to announcements on the AID platform, sending text messages to the contact number you provided, sending emails to your email address, and sending It is deemed delivered upon success.

  • 对于在 AID 平台上引起的任何纠纷,您同意司法机关(包括但不限于人民法院)通过手机短信等现代通讯方式或邮寄方式向您送达法律文书(包括但不限于诉讼文书)。您指定接收法律文书的手机号码等联系方式为您在 AID 平台注册、更新时提供的联系方式,司法机关向上述联系方式发出法律文书即视为送达。您指定的邮寄地址为您的法定联系地址或您提供的有效联系地址。
    For any disputes arising on the AID platform, you agree that judicial authorities (including but not limited to the People's Court) will serve you legal documents (including but not limited to litigation documents) through modern communication methods such as mobile phone text messages or by mail. The mobile phone number and other contact information you designate to receive legal documents are the contact information you provided when registering and updating on the AID platform. Legal documents issued by judicial authorities to the above contact information are deemed to have been served. The mailing address you specify is your legal contact address or the valid contact address you provide.

You agree that judicial authorities may use one or more of the above delivery methods to serve legal documents to you. Judicial authorities may use multiple methods to serve legal documents to you. The delivery time will be the earliest among the above delivery methods. allow.

You agree that the above service methods are applicable to all stages of judicial proceedings. If it enters litigation procedures, including but not limited to first instance, second instance, retrial, execution and supervision procedures, etc.

You should ensure that the contact information provided is accurate, valid, and updated in real time. If the legal documents cannot be delivered or are not delivered in a timely manner because the contact information provided is inaccurate or the changed contact information is not notified in a timely manner, you will be responsible for the possible legal consequences.

  • 您可以通过邮箱:service@daasapi.com与我们联系。
    You can contact us via

知识产权 Intellectual property

  • AID 上的图表、标识、网页页眉、按钮图标、文字、服务品名等标示在网站上的信息都是 AID 或其关联公司的财产,受中国和国际知识产权相关法律的保护。未经 AID 许可,您不得以任何可能引起用户混淆的方式或任何贬低或诽谤 AID 或其关联公司的方式用于非 AID 的任何产品或服务上。在 AID 上出现的不属于上述主体的所有其他商标是其商标权利人各自的财产。未经 AID 或相关商标所有人的书面许可,AID 上的任何东西都不应被解释为以默许或其他方式授予许可或使用网站上出现的商标的权利。
    The graphics, logos, web page headers, button icons, text, service names and other information marked on the website on AID are the property of AID or its affiliates and are protected by Chinese and international intellectual property laws. Without the permission of AID, you may not use it on any product or service other than AID in any way that may cause confusion among users or in any way that disparages or slanders AID or its affiliates. All other trademarks that appear on AID that do not belong to the above-mentioned entities are the property of their respective trademark owners. Nothing contained on AID should be construed as granting, by implication or otherwise, any license or right to use the trademarks appearing on the website without the written permission of AID or the owner of the relevant trademark.

  • 您充分理解并同意,除非您与 AID 另有约定或在 AID 上开通了相应服务并支付对价,您仅可以非商业的、个人研究学习的方式使用 AID 及其生成的内容。AID 及其程序、软件、信息、数据、开发文档及相关的元素、组件等内容均受中华人民共和国法律法规和相应的国际条约保护,由 AID 及相关权利人享有知识产权。
    You fully understand and agree that, unless you agree otherwise with AID or activate corresponding services on AID and pay consideration, you may only use AID and the content it generates in a non-commercial, personal research and study manner. AID and its programs, software, information, data, development documents and related elements, components and other contents are protected by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and corresponding international treaties, and AID and related rights holders enjoy intellectual property rights.

  • 您不得以侵犯他人版权的方式使用 AID。如您输入 AID 的内容的版权由第三方享有,您的输入行为不会改变版权的归属。
    You may not use AID in a manner that infringes the copyrights of others. If the copyright of the content you input into AID is owned by a third party, your input behavior will not change the ownership of the copyright.

  • 在适用法律允许的范围内,您基于 AID 生成的内容的知识产权及其他权利由您享有,相关的知识产权问题由您自行处理,AID 对由此造成的任何损失不负责任,您由此给 AID 造成损失的 AID 有权向您追偿。您不得以任何方式删除、掩藏、修改或替换 AID 及呈现内容中所附的或包含的任何专有权利声明、其他任何链接等。
    To the extent permitted by applicable law, you enjoy the intellectual property rights and other rights of the content generated based on AID. You will handle the relevant intellectual property issues yourself. AID is not responsible for any losses caused thereby. AID has the right to recover compensation from you if AID causes losses. You may not delete, hide, modify or replace in any way any proprietary rights statements, any other links, etc. attached to or contained in AID and the presented content.

  • 特别地,您以以下方式使用 AID 产生的知识产权侵权问题,AID 不承担责任:
    In particular, AID is not responsible for any intellectual property infringement issues arising from your use of AID in the following ways:

1、 您于 AID 或平台上的其他产品中使用了未经授权的内容;
You have used unauthorized content in AID or other products on the platform;

2、 您以诱导侵权的方式使用 AID;
You use AID in a way that induces infringement;

3、 您违法使用 AID 已明示该内容由第三方享有权益的内容;
Your illegal use of AID has clearly stated that the content is owned by a third party;

4、 您删除或修改了 AID 通过各种形式明示的来源、出处、提示或版权限制的内容;
You have deleted or modified the source, source, tips or copyright restrictions stated by AID in various forms;

5、您修改了 AID 或其生成的内容而导致的侵权;
Infringement caused by your modification of AID or the content it generates;

6、您将 AID 生成的内容与非由 AID 提供的内容、产品或服务结合而导致的侵权;
Infringement caused by your combining content generated by AID with content, products or services not provided by AID;

7、 您对 AID 生成的内容进行商标性、标识性的使用。
You use the content generated by AID for trademark and identification purposes.

权利保护声明 Rights Protection Statement

1、 AID 制定了旨在保护权利人的合法权益的措施和步骤,如您认为 AID 产品的任何组成部分或其生成内容侵犯了您的知识产权或其他合法权益,您可以按照本条款声明的方式,将侵权通知和相应证据发送至以下电子邮箱。AID 将根据中国法律法规和政府规范性文件采取措施移除相关内容或屏蔽相关链接。
AID has formulated measures and procedures designed to protect the legitimate rights and interests of rights holders. If you believe that any component of AID products or the content generated by it infringes upon your intellectual property rights or other legitimate rights and interests, you may do so in the manner stated in this clause. , send the infringement notification and corresponding evidence to the following email address: AID will take measures to remove relevant content or block relevant links in accordance with Chinese laws, regulations and government normative documents.

2、 请注意:如果权利通知的陈述失实,权利通知提交者需承担由此造成的全部法律责任(包括但不限于 AID 的损失及律师费)。如果您不确定 AID 的内容是否侵犯了其合法权益,AID 建议您首先咨询专业人士。
Please note: If the statement in the rights notice is untrue, the submitter of the rights notice shall bear all legal liabilities resulting therefrom (including but not limited to AID's losses and attorney's fees). If you are not sure whether AID's content infringes upon its legal rights, AID recommends that you first consult a professional.

3、为了 AID 有效处理您的权利通知,请提供以下材料:
In order for AID to effectively process your rights notification, please provide the following materials:

  • 您的具体联络信息,包括姓名、身份证或护照复印件(对自然人)、单位登记证明复印件(对单位)、通信地址、电话号码、传真和电子邮箱;
    Your specific contact information, including name, copy of ID card or passport (for natural persons), copy of unit registration certificate (for units), mailing address, phone number, fax and email address;

  • 您对涉嫌侵权内容拥有商标权、著作权和/或其他依法可以行使权利的权属证明;
    You have trademark rights, copyrights and/or other ownership certificates that enable you to exercise rights in accordance with the law for the allegedly infringing content;

  • 请充分、明确地描述侵犯了您合法权益的内容并请提供包含该内容的截图或其他载体;
    Please fully and clearly describe the content that infringes upon your legal rights and provide screenshots or other media containing the content;

  • 请指明涉嫌侵权网页的哪些内容侵犯了您的哪些合法权益;
    Please indicate which content of the allegedly infringing webpage infringes upon which of your legitimate rights and interests;

  • 请在权利通知中加入如下关于通知内容真实性的声明:“我保证,本通知中所述信息是充分、真实、准确的,我是所投诉内容的合法权利人,或我已获授权,有权行使列明内容的权益。我举报的内容侵犯了本人相应的合法权益;如果本权利通知内容不完全属实,本人将承担由此产生的一切法律责任。”
    Please include the following statement in the rights notice regarding the authenticity of the content of the notice: "I guarantee that the information stated in this notice is sufficient, true, and accurate. I am the legal owner of the content complained of, or I have been authorized to do so. I have the right to exercise the rights and interests listed in the content. The content I reported violated my corresponding legitimate rights and interests; if the content of this rights notice is not completely true, I will bear all legal responsibilities arising therefrom."

  • 如您是自然人,请您签署该文件,如果您是依法成立的机构或组织,请您加盖公章。
    If you are a natural person, please sign the document. If you are a legally established institution or organization, please stamp it with your official seal.

4、 我们将在确定您陈述的真实性后删除或禁用相关内容。请您理解,由于人工智能的训练需要一定时间,我们的删除和禁用措施可能具有滞后性。
We will delete or disable relevant content after determining the authenticity of your statement. Please understand that since the training of artificial intelligence takes a certain amount of time, our deletion and disabling measures may have a lag.

局限性提示及责任限制 Limitations and Limitations of Liability

1、 您理解,尽管 AID 已经尽了最大努力,但是由于 AID 提供服务所依赖的技术本身存在的技术瓶颈,AID 仍然不能对以下事项作出任何保证:
You understand that although AID has tried its best, due to technical bottlenecks in the technology that AID relies on to provide services, AID still cannot make any guarantees for the following matters:

  • 不保证 AID 将符合您的实际或特定需求或目的,经 AID 获得的任何产品、服务或其他内容符合您的期望;
    There is no guarantee that AID will meet your actual or specific needs or purposes, or that any products, services or other content obtained through AID will meet your expectations;

  • 不保证 AID 生成的内容百分百准确可靠、完整、功能可用、及时、安全、无错误、不受干扰、无中断、持续稳定、不存在任何故障,您不应依赖 AID 生成的内容作为事实或事实信息的唯一来源,或作为专业建议的替代品;
    There is no guarantee that the content generated by AID is 100% accurate, reliable, complete, functional, timely, secure, error-free, uninterrupted, uninterrupted, stable, or free of any glitches, and you should not rely on the content generated by AID as fact or The sole source of factual information or as a substitute for professional advice;

  • AID 的输出虽已经过人工智能算法自动过滤,但仍不排除其中部分信息具有瑕疵、不合理或引发用户不适,且其生成的内容不代表 AID 的态度或观点,您必须评估生成内容的准确性和适用性,包括酌情使用人工审核;
    Although AID's output has been automatically filtered by artificial intelligence algorithms, it does not rule out that some of the information may be flawed, unreasonable, or cause discomfort to users, and the content it generates does not represent AID's attitudes or opinions. You must evaluate the accuracy of the generated content. and suitability, including the use of human review where appropriate;

  • AID 并不真正像人类一样理解用户输入的内容,AID 也不理解背后隐含的潜在风险和伦理问题,AID 的输出不构成对您的任何建议或决策,您需根据自己的实际情况做出独立判断,AID 不承担您对 AID 的依赖而产生的风险或由此带来的任何直接或间接的损失。
    AID does not really understand user input like humans do, nor does AID understand the potential risks and ethical issues behind it. The output of AID does not constitute any advice or decision-making for you. You need to make independent decisions based on your actual situation. It is judged that AID does not bear the risks arising from your reliance on AID or any direct or indirect losses caused thereby.

2、 AID 依照法律规定履行基础保障义务,但对于下述原因导致的合同履行障碍、履行瑕疵、履行延后或履行内容变更等情形,AID 并不承担相应的违约责任:
AID performs basic guarantee obligations in accordance with legal provisions, but AID does not assume corresponding liability for breach of contract due to obstacles to contract performance, performance defects, delay in performance, or changes in performance content caused by the following reasons:

  • 因自然灾害、罢工、暴乱、战争、政府行为、司法行政命令等不可抗力因素;
    Due to force majeure factors such as natural disasters, strikes, riots, wars, government actions, judicial administrative orders;
  • 因电力供应故障、通讯网络故障等公共服务因素或第三人因素;
    Due to power supply failure, communication network failure and other public service factors or third-party factors;
  • 在 AID 已尽善意管理的情况下,因常规或紧急的设备与系统维护、设备与系统故障、软件异常运作、网络信息与数据安全等因素。
    Under the circumstances that AID has managed in good faith, due to factors such as routine or emergency equipment and system maintenance, equipment and system failures, abnormal software operation, network information and data security, etc.

3、除非另有明确的书面说明,AID 及其生成内容或以其他方式通过 AID 提供给您的全部信息、内容、材料、产品和服务,由 AID 依照“现状”和“现有”基础予以提供。
Unless otherwise expressly stated in writing, all information, content, materials, products and services provided by AID and its generated content or otherwise provided to you through AID are provided by AID on an "as is" and "as available" basis.

4、除非另有明确的书面说明,在中华人民共和国法律允许的最大范围内,AID 不对 AID 所包含的信息、生成内容、产品、软件或服务作任何形式的声明或担保。AID 及其关联公司不担保 AID 及其生成内容或以其他方式提供给您的全部信息、内容、产品、软件和服务、或从 AID 发出的电子信件没有病毒或其他有害成分,AID 亦不对间接的、特殊的、附带的、后果性的或惩罚性的损害承担责任。
Unless otherwise expressly stated in writing, to the maximum extent permitted by the laws of the People's Republic of China, AID does not make any form of statement or warranty regarding the information, generated content, products, software or services contained in AID. AID and its affiliates do not guarantee that all information, content, products, software and services provided to you by AID and its generated content or otherwise provided to you, or e-mails sent from AID, are free of viruses or other harmful components, nor does AID assume any responsibility for indirect , special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages.

5、 AID 在本协议项下无论因何种原因需向您承担的违约金、赔偿金及您可能主张的其他责任的总额不超过责任发生前 12 个月内您为引起索赔的服务所支付的总金额。
The total amount of liquidated damages, compensation and other liabilities that you may claim that AID will bear to you for whatever reason under this agreement shall not exceed the amount you paid for the services that gave rise to the claim in the 12 months before the liability occurred. lump sum.

6、 AID 中集成的包括但不限于身份认证、授权登录、支付、虚拟角色等第三方服务由第三方向您提供,您与第三方之间的权利义务依据您与第三方间的相应法律文件确定。如您与第三方发生纠纷,AID 将协助您维护您的合法权益,但 AID 不因第三方的故意或过失承担任何形式的连带或补充责任。
Third-party services integrated in AID, including but not limited to identity authentication, authorized login, payment, virtual characters, etc., are provided to you by third parties. The rights and obligations between you and the third party are based on the corresponding legal documents between you and the third party. Sure. If you have a dispute with a third party, AID will assist you in safeguarding your legitimate rights and interests, but AID will not assume any form of joint or supplementary liability due to the third party's intention or negligence.

7、您承诺,您理解 AID 的局限性,并将遵循本协议及相关法律法规的规定,不使 AID 及其关联公司、雇员受到任何与您使用 AID 的行为相关的诉讼、仲裁、赔偿、损失。如出现此种情形的,您将承担相关责任。
You promise that you understand the limitations of AID and will abide by the provisions of this agreement and relevant laws and regulations, and will not subject AID, its affiliates, and employees to any litigation, arbitration, compensation, or losses related to your use of AID. . If this happens, you will bear the relevant responsibilities.

用户信息保护 User information protection

1、AID 非常重视用户个人信息的保护,在您使用 AID 提供的服务时,您同意 AID 按照在 AID 平台上公布的隐私权政策收集、存储、使用、披露和保护您的个人信息,具体请见《AID 隐私政策》。
AID attaches great importance to the protection of users’ personal information. When you use the services provided by AID, you agree that AID collects, stores, uses, discloses and protects your personal information in accordance with the privacy policy published on the AID platform. For details, please see "AID Privacy Policy".

2、 对于您提供、发布及在使用 AID 平台服务中形成的除个人信息外的文字、图片、视频、音频等非个人信息,均不会因上传、发布等行为发生知识产权、肖像权等权利的转移。
For non-personal information such as text, pictures, videos, audios, etc. other than personal information that you provide, publish and use the AID platform services, no intellectual property rights, portrait rights and other rights will be incurred due to uploading, publishing, etc. transfer.

违约责任 Liability for breach of contract

1、您存在下列行为的,视为违约,AID 有权做出相应处理:
If you have the following behaviors, it will be deemed as a breach of contract, and AID has the right to deal with it accordingly:

  • AID 有权对您的注册信息及产品/服务使用行为进行查阅,发现或怀疑注册信息或产品/服务使用行为中存在问题,有权向您发出询问和/或要求改正的通知,若您未在合理期限内作出合理回应,AID 可以对您的注册信息或产品/服务使用做出屏蔽、删除等处理;
    AID has the right to review your registration information and product/service usage behavior. If it discovers or suspects that there are problems in the registration information or product/service usage behavior, it has the right to issue inquiries and/or notices requiring corrections to you. If you have not Provide a reasonable response within a reasonable period, and AID may block, delete, etc. your registration information or product/service use;
  • 经国家生效法律文书或行政处罚决定确认您存在违法行为,或者 AID 有足够事实依据可以认定您存在违法或违反服务协议行为的,AID 有权在网站上以合法的形式公示您的违法行为;
    If it is confirmed by effective national legal documents or administrative penalty decisions that you have committed illegal acts, or AID has sufficient factual basis to determine that you have committed illegal acts or violated the service agreement, AID has the right to publicize your illegal acts in a legal form on the website;
  • 对于您在 AID 发布的下列各类信息,AID 有权在不通知您的前提下进行删除或采取其他限制性措施。包括 AID 有理由相信存在欺诈等恶意或虚假有害内容的信息,AID 有理由相信存在试图扰乱正常平台秩序因素的信息,AID 有理由相信违反公共利益或可能严重损害 AID 和其他用户合法利益的信息。
    For the following types of information you publish on AID, AID has the right to delete or take other restrictive measures without notifying you. This includes information that AID has reason to believe contains malicious or false harmful content such as fraud, information that AID has reason to believe contains factors that attempt to disrupt the normal order of the platform, and information that AID has reason to believe is against public interest or may seriously harm the legitimate interests of AID and other users.

2、 您的违约行为如给 AID 造成损失,AID 有权要求您予以赔偿,前款所述的损失包括但不限于商誉、商业机会丧失、诉讼费、仲裁费、律师费、差旅费、调查取证费用、公证费、鉴定费、向第三方支付的赔偿金、违约金或和解金、行政或刑事处罚的罚金及滞纳金等。
If your breach of contract causes losses to AID, AID has the right to require you to compensate. The losses mentioned in the preceding paragraph include but are not limited to goodwill, loss of business opportunities, litigation fees, arbitration fees, attorney fees, travel expenses, investigation and evidence collection Fees, notary fees, appraisal fees, compensation paid to third parties, liquidated damages or settlement fees, administrative or criminal fines and late fees, etc.

法律适用与争议解决 Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

The formation, effectiveness, interpretation, revision, supplement, termination, execution and dispute resolution of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Mainland China. If there are no relevant provisions of the law, commercial practices and/or industry practices shall be referred to.

2、 您因使用 AID 平台服务所产生及与 AID 平台服务有关的争议,由 AID 与您协商解决。您可通过邮箱:service@daasapi.com与我们联系。协商不成时,任何一方均可向 AID 所在地有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。
Any disputes arising from your use of AID platform services and related to AID platform services shall be resolved through negotiation between AID and you. You can contact us via email: If negotiation fails, either party may file a lawsuit with the people's court with jurisdiction over where AID is located.

3、 本协议任一条款被视为废止、无效或不可执行,该条应视为可分的且并不影响本协议其余条款的有效性及可执行性。
If any provision of this Agreement is deemed invalid, invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement.