
隐私政策 Privacy Policy

隐私政策 Privacy Policy

AID 由谷鸽公司(以下简称“AID”或“我们”)运营并向您提供服务或产品,我们深知隐私对您的重要性,并充分尊重您的隐私。在向我们提交您的个人信息之前,请您仔细阅读本《隐私条款》(以下简称“本声明”)。如没有特别说明,本声明适用于您登录和访问 AID 中国站的网站 https://aid.daxue.cloud ,以及购买和使用我们提供的服务或产品(以下简称“服务”)。本声明不适用于我们作为受托人在 AID 中处理、存储或托管的您的内容。
AID is operated by Guge Company (hereinafter referred to as "AID" or "we") and provides services or products to you. We understand the importance of privacy to you and fully respect your privacy. Before submitting your personal information to us, please read this Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "this Statement") carefully. Unless otherwise specified, this statement applies to your login and access to the AID China website https://aid.daxue.cloud, as well as your purchase and use of the services or products we provide (hereinafter referred to as the "Services"). This Statement does not apply to your content that we process, store or host in AID as trustee.

"Your Content" means all information (including Personal Information), software, devices, text, images, video, audio, photos, Third Party Applications, Materials. Our materials, data and information are not your content.

This statement describes how we process (including collecting, storing, using, processing, transmitting, providing, disclosing, deleting, etc.) your personal information, your rights, the legal basis for the processing of personal information and our efforts to protect your personal information. The security measures in place, and also sets out other relevant details you need to know before providing us with your personal information. We may inform you through a service statement or privacy statement/notification before collecting relevant personal information that this statement does not reflect the collection and processing of information necessary to provide you with specific services.

We have developed this statement to help you understand:

  • AID 如何收集您的个人信息
    How AID collects your personal information

  • AID 如何使用您的个人信息
    How AID uses your personal information

  • AID 如何使用 Cookie 及类似技术
    How AID uses cookies and similar technologies

  • AID 如何共享、委托处理、转移、公开披露您的个人信息
    How AID shares, entrusts processing, transfers, and publicly discloses your personal information

  • AID 如何保护您的个人信息
    How AID protects your personal information

  • 个人信息的保留期限
    Retention period of personal information

  • 如何访问或控制您的个人信息
    How to access or control your personal information

  • AID 如何处理未成年人的个人信息
    How AID handles minors’ personal information

  • 您的个人信息如何进行转移
    How your personal information is transferred

  • 本声明如何更新
    How this statement is updated

  • 如何联系 AID
    How to contact AID

AID 如何收集您的个人信息 How AID collects your personal information

Personal information refers to various information related to identified or identifiable natural persons recorded electronically or by other means, excluding anonymized information. Sensitive personal information refers to personal information that, once leaked or illegally used, may easily lead to infringement of a natural person's personal dignity or endangerment of personal or property safety. Personal information processors refer to organizations and individuals that independently decide the purpose and method of processing in personal information processing activities.

We collect your personal information for necessary purposes during your interaction with us, such as to provide you with services. Please see the description below for the collection of personal information in each scenario. If you refuse to provide the personal information needed to realize one of the scenarios, you will not be able to use this business function. We will collect the following personal information in the following scenarios:

  • 账号管理:在您开通 AID 账号时,需收集您的账号信息(账号名、账号 ID 及密码、秘钥、状态信息)、手机号码、邮箱地址、IP 地址、WiFi 参数、注册国家/地区。
    Account management: When you open an AID account, your account information (account name, account ID and password, secret key, status information), mobile phone number, email address, IP address, WiFi parameters, and registration country/region need to be collected.

  • 收件地址管理:在您使用收件地址管理服务时,可能需收集您的收件人姓名、详细地址、邮政编码、手机号码。
    Receiving address management: When you use the receiving address management service, your recipient's name, detailed address, postal code, and mobile phone number may be collected.

  • 安全设置:在您使用账号安全设置服务时,为了保护您的 AID 账号信息安全,需收集您的电子邮箱、手机号码。
    Security settings: When you use the account security settings service, in order to protect the security of your AID account information, your email address and mobile phone number need to be collected.

  • 服务订购:在您购买服务时,需收集您的账号信息、订单信息、交易信息、服务信息。
    Service ordering: When you purchase services, your account information, order information, transaction information, and service information need to be collected.

  • 费用中心:在您使用费用中心服务(如资金管理、发票管理服务)时,需收集您的交易信息、账单信息、订单信息、支付信息(银行账户名、银行账号、银行流水号)及发票信息。
    Expense Center: When you use Expense Center services (such as fund management and invoice management services), you need to collect your transaction information, bill information, order information, payment information (bank account name, bank account number, bank serial number) and invoice information .

  • 消息中心:在您使用消息中心服务时,包括您使用新增管理人服务时,需收集您的姓名、邮箱、手机号码、Webhook 地址及秘钥。
    Message Center: When you use the message center service, including when you use the new administrator service, your name, email, mobile phone number, Webhook address and secret key need to be collected.

  • 支持与服务:在您通过工单系统、服务热线、智能客服等方式请求我们支持或服务时,可能需收集您的姓名或账号信息、邮箱、手机号码、商业信息(如公司名称、行业、职位)以及您的咨询记录、通话录音、您的云服务运维日志、资源信息(例如服务资源名称、配置信息等)以及您主动向我们提交的内容(如文字、图片、视频)。
    Support and service: When you request our support or services through the work order system, service hotline, intelligent customer service, etc., we may need to collect your name or account information, email, mobile phone number, business information (such as company name, industry, position ), as well as your consultation records, call recordings, your cloud service operation and maintenance logs, resource information (such as service resource names, configuration information, etc.) and the content you actively submit to us (such as text, pictures, videos).

  • 营销活动:在您预约或参加 AID 活动时,包括但不限于云服务公测活动、促销活动、市场调查或满意度调查,可能需收集您的姓名、邮箱、电话号码、公司名称、行业、国家或地区、联系地址;某些涉及奖励的活动,还需收集您的身份证件、银行账号。
    Marketing activities: When you make an appointment or participate in AID activities, including but not limited to cloud service public beta activities, promotions, market surveys or satisfaction surveys, your name, email address, phone number, company name, industry, country or Region, contact address; some activities involving rewards also need to collect your identity document and bank account number.

  • 当您访问或使用服务时,我们会收集并记录您的交易及订单信息、行为信息(例如您的浏览记录、访问日期和时间、搜索记录、评论及点赞、鼠标键盘行为等)、浏览器信息(例如字体和类型等)以及网络链接信息(例如 IP 地址)。
    When you access or use the service, we will collect and record your transaction and order information, behavior information (such as your browsing history, visit date and time, search history, comments and likes, mouse and keyboard behavior, etc.), browser information (such as font and type, etc.) and network link information (such as IP address).

  • 您使用 AID 应用的过程中,我们可能会根据您在软件安装及使用中的具体权限,接收并记录您的相关设备信息,包括 Android ID、IMEI、ICCID、硬件序列号(SN)、 UUID 、UDID、系统信息(系统设置、系统属性、设备型号、操作系统、IP 地址)、终端型号、WIFI 信息(WiFi 状态、WiFi 参数)、传感器信息(重力传感器、旋转矢量传感器、屏幕方向传感器、磁力计、加速度计、陀螺仪)、软件安装列表、图片、用户剪切板信息、应用日志信息。
    When you use the AID application, we may receive and record your relevant device information according to your specific permissions during software installation and use, including Android ID, IMEI, ICCID, hardware serial number (SN), UUID, UDID , system information (system settings, system properties, device model, operating system, IP address), terminal model, WIFI information (WiFi status, WiFi parameters), sensor information (gravity sensor, rotation vector sensor, screen orientation sensor, magnetometer, Accelerometer, gyroscope), software installation list, pictures, user clipboard information, application log information.

我们还可能会在您的授权同意范围内从第三方,包括业务合作伙伴(以下简称“合作伙伴”,指加入“ AID 合作伙伴体系”的第三方)和关联方处收集到您的个人信息,或者我们能从其他合法公开渠道获取到您的个人信息。我们保证严格依照与第三方签订的合同以及相关法律规定处理您的个人信息,同时请您详细阅读该第三方的隐私政策及用户协议。如使用 AID 服务需要第三方提供您的个人信息,但您拒绝第三方向我们授权处理您的个人信息时,将可能导致您无法使用 AID 相关服务。例如,当您使用经授权的第三方账号登录 AID 账号时,我们会在征得您的同意后,从第三方获取您的相关个人信息。
We may also collect your personal information from third parties, including business partners (hereinafter referred to as "partners", referring to third parties that join the "AID Partner System") and related parties, within the scope of your authorization and consent. Or we can obtain your personal information from other legal public channels. We guarantee that we will handle your personal information strictly in accordance with the contract signed with the third party and relevant legal provisions. Please read the privacy policy and user agreement of the third party in detail. If using AID services requires a third party to provide your personal information, but you refuse the third party to authorize us to process your personal information, you may be unable to use AID related services. For example, when you use an authorized third-party account to log in to your AID account, we will obtain your relevant personal information from the third party with your consent.

Some of the above services require your personal information to be provided. If you refuse to provide the personal information collected to implement a certain service, you will not be able to use that service. For example, if you do not provide your address, name, phone number and other information when participating in marketing activities, we will not be able to contact you in time or deliver marketing activity gifts to you. In some cases, if providing personal information is optional and you choose not to submit your personal information, you may not be able to use certain features of the Service, but this will not affect your use of other features of the Service, such as personalization Function.

The above scenarios may involve collecting your sensitive personal information, including your identity document, biometric features (static or dynamic facial features) and detailed address, payment information (bank account number, bank serial number) and the purpose of collecting such information. This includes meeting the requirements of relevant laws and regulations for online real-name authentication, verifying your user identity, and necessary to perform the contract signed with you, such as providing you with consultation or technical support, issuing bills, sending goods, etc.

You are fully aware that in accordance with applicable laws (such as the "Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China"), we do not need to obtain your authorization and consent to collect and use your personal information in the following circumstances:

  • 涉及国家安全与利益、社会公共利益的;
    Involving national security and interests, and social and public interests;

  • 为履行法定职责或者法定义务所必需的;
    Necessary to perform legal duties or legal obligations;

  • 为订立、履行您作为一方当事人的合同所必需的;
    Necessary for the conclusion and performance of a contract to which you are a party;

  • 为应对突发公共卫生事件,或者紧急情况下为保护您和他人的生命健康和财产安全所必需;
    In response to public health emergencies, or when necessary to protect the life, health and property safety of you and others;

  • 在合理的范围内处理您自行向社会公众公开的或者其他已经合法公开的个人信息;
    Process personal information that you have disclosed to the public on your own or that has been legally disclosed by others within a reasonable scope;

  • 在合理的范围内处理从合法公开披露的信息中收集的您的个人信息(如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开等渠道);
    Process your personal information collected from legally publicly disclosed information within a reasonable scope (such as legal news reports, government information disclosure, etc.);

  • 法律法规规定的其他情形。
    Other situations specified by laws and regulations.

AID 如何使用您的个人信息 AID How your personal information is used

我们使用您的个人信息用于如下目的 We use your personal information for the following purposes

  • 注册、登录账号、身份验证及鉴权。在您同意的情况下或为履行与您签订的合同之必需,当您使用 AID 服务时,为您提供账号注册、登录、身份验证、权限管理以保护账号及服务的安全。
    Registration, account login, identity verification and authentication. With your consent or as necessary to perform the contract signed with you, when you use AID services, we will provide you with account registration, login, identity verification, and permission management to protect the security of your account and services.

  • 联系与沟通。在您同意的情况下,我们通过邮件或电话等方式,向您发送重要通知消息,例如财务信息、服务信息、安全消息、运维消息、活动消息、备案消息。
    Contact and communication. With your consent, we will send you important notification messages, such as financial information, service information, security messages, operation and maintenance messages, activity messages, and filing messages, by email or phone.

  • 履行我们与您的合同义务。如为实现您的交易或服务请求,包括订单、请求变更或提供您请求的信息(比如有关服务的材料)、交付、激活或验证服务;提供技术支持,以及增强服务的安全性。
    To carry out our contractual obligations with you. For example, to fulfill your transaction or service request, including ordering, requesting changes or providing information you request (such as materials about the service), delivering, activating or verifying the service; providing technical support, and enhancing the security of the service.

  • 响应您的互动要求。当您访问我们的网站或 AID 应用,参加线上或线下活动,要求进行变更或者要求提供您请求的信息(例如服务的营销资料、白皮书、订阅电子杂志),以及就任何问题或服务信息与我们联系时(例如提供技术支持,向我们提供意见、建议、询问等),我们回复您对我们的问询、意见或建议,或向您寄送活动礼品等。
    Respond to your requests for interaction. When you visit our website or AID application, participate in online or offline events, request changes or request information you request (such as marketing materials for services, white papers, e-magazine subscriptions), and contact us regarding any questions or service information When we contact you (such as providing technical support, providing us with opinions, suggestions, inquiries, etc.), we will respond to your inquiries, opinions or suggestions about us, or send you event gifts, etc.

In order to fulfill legal obligations, ensure the reliability, safe and stable operation of services, optimize services, etc., we will also use your personal information for the following purposes:

  • 在您选择向我们发送错误详情的情况下排查错误。
    Troubleshoot errors if you choose to send us error details.

  • 保护我们服务和客户或用户的安全,执行与改善我们的防损和反欺诈计划。
    Protect the security of our services and our customers or users, and implement and improve our loss prevention and anti-fraud programs.

  • 开展内部审计及数据分析和研究,以改善我们的服务。
    Conduct internal audits and data analysis and research to improve our services.

  • 遵从和执行适用的法律要求,相关的行业标准或我们的政策。
    Comply with and enforce applicable legal requirements, relevant industry standards or our policies.

个性化推荐 Personalized recommendations

After obtaining your consent, we will provide you with personalized content recommendations.

Function description: In order to display and recommend more relevant information to you, and provide services that better meet your requirements. We will collect and use your personal information and automatically calculate and predict your preferences through algorithm models to match information or services that may be of interest to you. Below we will explain to you in detail the operating mechanism of this personalized recommendation service and introduce you how to turn off this function.

  • 我们提供个性化推荐的信息和服务的范围包括但不限于展示资讯、网页、文章等图文或视频内容,提供搜索结果,推荐商品,推荐服务功能等。
    The scope of the information and services we provide with personalized recommendations includes but is not limited to displaying information, web pages, articles and other graphic or video content, providing search results, recommended products, recommended service functions, etc.

  • 为了向您提供个性化的服务,我们可能会收集和分析您在访问 AID 时的行为信息(例如您的浏览记录、访问日期和时间、搜索记录、评论及点赞等)、账号信息、设备信息(如设备型号、设备操作系统)、网络信息、IP 地址、订单信息、交易信息、服务信息、个人基本信息(如学历、国家/地区、职位)。
    In order to provide you with personalized services, we may collect and analyze your behavioral information when accessing AID (such as your browsing history, access date and time, search history, comments and likes, etc.), account information, and device information. (such as device model, device operating system), network information, IP address, order information, transaction information, service information, basic personal information (such as education, country/region, position).

  • 我们会根据您在使用过程中的内容浏览行为对推荐模型进行训练和反馈,不断调整优化推荐结果,更好地向您提供优质内容和服务。
    We will train and provide feedback to the recommendation model based on your content browsing behavior during use, constantly adjust and optimize the recommendation results, and better provide you with high-quality content and services.

Please be aware that this personalized recommendation algorithm does not identify the true identity of a specific natural person, but only provides more relevant and richer information based on user behavior and characteristics.

为确保网站或者 AID 应用正常运转,我们有时会在计算机或移动设备上存储 Cookie。就我们使用 Cookie 及类似技术,以及它们如何处理您的个人信息的细节,请见我们的 Cookie 政策。
To ensure the normal operation of the website or AID application, we sometimes store cookies on your computer or mobile device. For details of our use of cookies and similar technologies, and how they process your personal information, please see our Cookie Policy.

AID 如何共享、委托处理、转移、公开披露您的个人信息 AID How to share, entrust processing, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information

We will not share your personal information with third parties except in the following circumstances:

  • 在获取您明确同意情况下的共享。在向您告知第三方的名称或者姓名、联系方式、处理目的、处理方式和个人信息的种类,且获得您的明确同意后, AID 会向您同意的第三方共享您授权范围内的信息;
    Sharing with your explicit consent. After informing you of the name, contact information, processing purpose, processing method and type of personal information of the third party, and obtaining your explicit consent, AID will share the information within the scope of your authorization with the third party with your consent;

  • 履行您与我们签署的的相关协议(含协议及平台规则)及其他法律文书所必需共享的个人信息;
    Personal information necessary to perform the relevant agreements (including agreements and platform rules) and other legal documents signed by you and us;

  • 在法定情形下的共享。根据适用的法律法规、法律程序、诉讼/仲裁、政府的强制命令、监管要求而需要共享您的个人信息;如为了满足相关法律法规的网络实名认证要求,向相关的政府机关或其指定、认可的第三方共享您的个人信息;
    Sharing under statutory circumstances. It is necessary to share your personal information in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, legal procedures, litigation/arbitration, government mandatory orders, and regulatory requirements; for example, in order to meet the online real-name authentication requirements of relevant laws and regulations, to the relevant government agencies or their designated and recognized The third parties with whom your personal information is shared;

  • 在法律要求或允许的范围内,为了保护您、 AID、 AID 用户或社会公众的利益、财产或安全免遭损害而有必要提供您的个人信息给第三方;
    Within the scope required or permitted by law, it is necessary to provide your personal information to a third party in order to protect the interests, property or safety of you, AID, AID users or the public from damage;

  • 为了保护国家安全、公共安全以及您和其他个人的重大合法权益而需要共享您的个人信息;
    It is necessary to share your personal information in order to protect national security, public safety, and the significant legitimate rights and interests of you and other individuals;

  • 您自行公开的或者我们能从其他合法公开渠道获取到您的个人信息;
    Personal information that you disclose yourself or that we can obtain from other legal public channels;

  • 我们可能会将您的个人信息向我们的关联方共享,您的个人信息可能会在我们的关联公司之间共享。我们只会共享必要的个人信息,且这种共享受本声明目的的约束。关联公司如要改变个人信息的处理目的,将再次征求您的授权同意。并且,在将信息提供给关联公司前,我们将尽商业上的合理努力评估该关联公司所收集信息的合法性、正当性和必要性。我们会尽力要求关联公司对您的信息采取保护措施。
    We may share your personal information with our affiliates, and your personal information may be shared among our affiliates. We will only share personal information that is necessary and subject to the purposes of this Statement. If affiliated companies want to change the purpose of processing personal information, they will ask for your authorization and consent again. Furthermore, before providing information to an affiliated company, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to evaluate the legality, legitimacy and necessity of the information collected by the affiliated company. We will try our best to require affiliated companies to take protective measures for your information.

  • 为提供服务之必要,共享给业务合作伙伴。我们可能会向合作伙伴等第三方共享您的订单信息、账号信息、设备信息,以保障为您提供的服务顺利完成。但我们仅会出于合法、正当、必要、特定、明确的目的共享您的个人信息,并且只会共享提供服务所必需的个人信息。为了保障您的个人信息安全和隐私,我们通过协议约定明确了合作伙伴对您的个人信息的保护责任、义务和要求。合作方可能有其独立的隐私政策和用户协议,我们建议您阅读并遵守第三方的用户协议及隐私政策。我们的合作伙伴包括:
    Shared with business partners as necessary to provide services. We may share your order information, account information, and device information with third parties such as partners to ensure the smooth completion of the services provided to you. However, we will only share your personal information for legal, legitimate, necessary, specific, and clear purposes, and we will only share the personal information necessary to provide services. In order to ensure the security and privacy of your personal information, we have clarified the partners' responsibilities, obligations and requirements for the protection of your personal information through agreements. Partners may have their own independent privacy policies and user agreements. We recommend that you read and abide by the third party's user agreement and privacy policy. Our partners include:

第三方合作伙伴,如独立软件或服务供应商。为提供服务之必要,我们可能会将您的账号信息、联系方式、订单信息、必要的交易信息和交易纠纷信息共享给云商店内的第三方合作伙伴来实现您向其购买商品或服务的需求,并促使商家可以完成商品销售、售后服务及服务交付。例如,您在 AID 商店内购买其他服务供应商的商品时,我们须与第三方合作伙伴共享您的信息,交易才能完成。
Third-party partners, such as independent software or service providers. To provide services, we may share your account information, contact information, order information, necessary transaction information and transaction dispute information with third-party partners in the cloud store to fulfill your needs to purchase goods or services from them. , and enable merchants to complete product sales, after-sales services and service delivery. For example, when you purchase goods from other service providers in the AID store, we must share your information with third-party partners before the transaction can be completed.

委托处理 Delegate processing

We may entrust our partners to process your personal information in order to provide you with corresponding services. We will sign agreements with our entrusted partners to strictly require them to handle your personal information in strict accordance with our instructions, this statement and any other relevant confidentiality agreements and to take security measures. We will require that our partners have no right to use your personal information provided by us for any other purpose. Our entrusted partners include the following types:

  • 商品或技术服务的受托方。根据您的授权,我们可能会将您的个人信息提供给支持本平台功能的受托方。这些支持包括:
    The trustee of goods or technical services. Based on your authorization, we may provide your personal information to trustees that support the functionality of this platform. These supports include:

提供仓储、物流、客服和其他服务的受托方。当您购买 AID 服务时,我们可能会将您的个人信息提供给这些受托方,由受托方向您提供物流配送、身份验证、订单支付、支持服务、客户服务、调查回复、奖品发放、服务推荐等。
A trustee that provides warehousing, logistics, customer service and other services. When you purchase AID services, we may provide your personal information to these trustees, who will provide you with logistics distribution, identity verification, order payment, support services, customer service, survey responses, prize distribution, service recommendations, etc. .

提供“直播活动”的受托方。当您参加 AID 的直播活动时,我们可能将您的 AID 账号 ID、评论信息、收件信息(包括收件人、收件电话、收件信息)共享给“直播活动”的受托方,以便其向您提供直播互动服务。
A trustee providing a "live event". When you participate in AID's live broadcast event, we may share your AID account ID, comment information, and receiving information (including recipient, receiving phone number, and receiving information) with the trustee of the "live broadcast event" so that they can Provide you with live interactive services.

  • 广告、调研、分析、回访等服务类受托方。我们会根据您的授权,可能将您的个人信息提供给为您提供服务的下述受托方:
    The trustee for services such as advertising, research, analysis, return visits, etc. Based on your authorization, we may provide your personal information to the following trustees who provide services to you:

为了给您提供更加优质的服务,我们可能基于您的账号信息、个人基本信息向您推送您可能感兴趣的 AID 或与 AID 相关的商业广告,我们可能会将您的个人信息提供给广告服务合作伙伴。
In order to provide you with better services, we may push AID or AID-related commercial advertisements that you may be interested in based on your account information and basic personal information. We may provide your personal information to advertising service partners.

In order to conduct user research, we may entrust a research service trustee to collect questionnaire responses and analyze survey results.

转移 Transfer

We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization or individual, except in the following circumstances:

  • 在获取明确同意的情况下转移:获得您的明确同意后,我们会向其他方转移您的个人信息;
    Transfer with explicit consent: After obtaining your explicit consent, we will transfer your personal information to other parties;

  • 在因重组、合并、分立、解散、被宣告破产等原因需要转移个人信息时,那么您的个人信息还可能会被披露给交易方。
    When personal information needs to be transferred due to reorganization, merger, division, dissolution, bankruptcy, etc., your personal information may also be disclosed to the transaction party.

公开披露 Public Disclosure

We will not publicly disclose your personal information except in the following circumstances:

  • 获取您的单独同意后,公开披露您的个人信息;
    Publicly disclose your personal information after obtaining your separate consent;

  • 基于适用法律法规需要披露的情况,为了保护国家安全、公共安全以及您和其他个人的重大合法权益,我们可能披露您的个人信息。例如,当我们认为披露对于防止或保护网络威胁、欺诈、人身伤害或财务损失是必要的或适当的,或当它与涉嫌或实际非法活动的调查有关的。
    Based on applicable laws and regulations that require disclosure, and in order to protect national security, public safety, and the significant legitimate rights and interests of you and other individuals, we may disclose your personal information. For example, when we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent or protect against cyber threats, fraud, personal harm or financial loss, or when it is related to an investigation of suspected or actual illegal activity.

We will only disclose your personal information to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations and in accordance with this statement.

第三方 SDK Third-party SDK

在您使用 AID 应用的过程中,部分服务需要由 AID 应用与第三方合作伙伴共同为您提供,例如社交分享等,为此我们集成了第三方合作伙伴的软件工具开发包(简称“SDK”)或其他类似的应用程序。更多详情请查阅第三方 SDK 列表。
In the process of using the AID application, some services need to be provided by the AID application and third-party partners, such as social sharing, etc. For this reason, we have integrated the software tool development kit ("SDK") of third-party partners or other similar applications. Please refer to the list of third-party SDK for more details.

AID 如何保护您的个人信息 How AID protects your personal information

We take the security of your personal information seriously. We use appropriate physical, administrative and technical safeguards to protect your personal information. For example, we will use encryption technology to ensure the confidentiality of information; we will use protection mechanisms to prevent information from malicious attacks; we will deploy access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized personnel can access personal information; and we will implement security and privacy protection Provide training to enhance employees’ awareness of the importance of protecting personal information. We will do our best to protect your personal information, but please note that no security measures can be impeccable. You can get more details about security compliance and learn how we protect your personal information at the Trust Center. In particular, in order to protect your personal information, we have taken the following measures:

  • 我们采取合理可行的措施,确保个人信息收集的最小化,不会收集与处理目的无关的个人信息;
    We take reasonable and feasible measures to ensure that the collection of personal information is minimized and no personal information irrelevant to the purpose of processing is collected;

  • 我们会使用加密技术确保信息传输和存储的机密性。我们会使用受信赖的保护机制防止存储信息的服务器遭到恶意攻击;
    We use encryption technology to ensure the confidentiality of information transmission and storage. We will use trusted protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on the servers where information is stored;

  • 我们会部署访问控制机制,确保只有授权人员才可访问个人信息;并且依照业务需要和人员层级,控制授权人员的数量并对授权人员做到分层级权限管理;
    We will deploy access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized personnel can access personal information; and in accordance with business needs and personnel levels, we will control the number of authorized personnel and implement hierarchical permission management for authorized personnel;

  • 我们会甄选业务合作伙伴和服务提供商,将在个人信息保护方面的要求落实到双方的合同或审计、考核等活动中;
    We will select business partners and service providers and implement personal information protection requirements into contracts or audits, assessments and other activities between both parties;

  • 我们会举办安全和隐私保护培训课程、测试与宣传活动,加强员工对于保护个人信息重要性的认识。
    We will hold security and privacy protection training courses, tests and publicity activities to enhance employees' awareness of the importance of protecting personal information.

尽管我们有责任保护您的个人信息,但您也有责任妥善保管您的登录信息,包括账号 ID 和密码等。如果您发现其他人未经您的许可使用您的账号 ID 使用 AID 网站或 AID 应用,请立即通知我们。您有权要求我们暂停对您的账号未经授权的使用行为。
Although we are responsible for protecting your personal information, you are also responsible for keeping your login information, including account ID and password, properly. If you discover that someone else is using the AID website or AID application using your account ID without your permission, please notify us immediately. You have the right to ask us to suspend any unauthorized use of your account.

We will try our best to protect your personal information, but no measure can be impeccable, and no service, website, information transmission, computer system, or network connection is absolutely secure.

为应对个人信息泄露、损毁和丢失等可能出现的风险, AID 制定了多项制度与管控措施,明确了安全事件、安全漏洞的分类分级标准及相应的处理流程。 AID 也为安全事件建立了专门的应急响应团队,按照安全事件处置规范要求,针对不同安全事件启动安全预案,进行止损、分析、定位、制定补救措施等。
In order to deal with possible risks such as leakage, damage and loss of personal information, AID has formulated a number of systems and control measures, and clarified the classification and grading standards of security incidents and security vulnerabilities and the corresponding processing procedures. AID has also established a dedicated emergency response team for security incidents. In accordance with the requirements of security incident handling specifications, security plans are launched for different security incidents to stop losses, analyze, locate, and formulate remedial measures.

个人信息的保留期限 Retention period of personal information

We will retain your personal information for the period necessary for the purposes described in this statement, unless a longer retention period is required by law. The retention period may vary based on different processing purposes and services.

一般而言,您取消授权或注销账号后,根据可适用法律的要求或服务协议的约定,我们会在保留期限内存储或保留您的个人信息。在您的个人信息超出保留期限后,且没有法律要求我们继续处理您的特定个人信息的情况下,我们将会根据可适用法律的要求删除您的个人信息,或进行匿名化处理。例如,我们将会按照《中华人民共和国网络安全法》等相关法律法规规定的期限保存您的注册信息,保存期为您注销账号后六(6)个月,您的注册信息包括姓名、手机号码、邮箱、联系地址和账号信息(账号名、账号 ID 及密码、秘钥)。
Generally speaking, after you cancel your authorization or cancel your account, we will store or retain your personal information within the retention period in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws or the stipulations of the service agreement. After your personal information exceeds the retention period and there is no legal requirement for us to continue to process your specific personal information, we will delete your personal information or anonymize it in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws. For example, we will save your registration information in accordance with the period stipulated in the "Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China" and other relevant laws and regulations. The retention period is six (6) months after you cancel your account. Your registration information includes your name, mobile phone number , email, contact address and account information (account name, account ID and password, secret key).

如何访问或控制您的个人信息 How to access or control your personal information

You should ensure that all personal information submitted is accurate. We will strive to maintain the accuracy and completeness of your personal information and promptly update your personal information based on the information you provide to us.

您有权向 AID 就 AID 所保留的相关个人信息提出访问、纠正、删除等的请求(下文统称“请求”)。
You have the right to make requests to AID for access, correction, deletion, etc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as "requests") regarding the relevant personal information retained by AID.

You can easily modify the personal information we hold about you in the following ways:

  • 账号信息:如使用 AID 网站,您要添加或更新与您的账号相关的个人信息时,请访问网站并登录您的账号:“登录”>“账号中心”。如使用 AID 应用,您可以在“我的”>“用户名”添加或更新与您的账号相关的个人信息。
    Account information: If you use the AID website, if you want to add or update personal information related to your account, please visit the website and log in to your account: "Login" > "Account Center". If you use the AID application, you can add or update personal information related to your account in "My" > "Username".

  • Cookie:关于 Cookie 的管理,请参阅我们的 Cookie 政策。
    Cookies: For information on the management of cookies, please see our Cookie Policy.

According to applicable laws and regulations, you may have the following rights with respect to your personal information:

  • 访问我们持有的您的个人信息并获得副本的权利;
    The right to access and obtain a copy of the personal information we hold about you;

  • 要求我们更新或更正您的个人信息的权利;
    The right to ask us to update or correct your personal information;

  • 要求我们删除您的个人信息的权利;
    The right to ask us to delete your personal information;

  • 反对我们对您的个人信息进行处理的权利;
    The right to object to our processing of your personal information;

  • 限制我们对您的个人信息进行处理的权利;以及向政府相关管理机构提起投诉、举报的权利。
    The right to restrict our processing of your personal information; and the right to file complaints and reports to relevant government management agencies.

请注意该等权利不是绝对的,且可能根据适用的法律受到限制。如果您需要我们协助行使上述请求或权利,请通过下述“如何联系 AID”联系我们。
Please note that these rights are not absolute and may be limited under applicable law. If you need our assistance in exercising the above requests or rights, please contact us via "How to Contact AID" below.

Unless otherwise required by applicable laws and regulations, we will generally respond to your request within fifteen working days. Please note that in some cases, your request will be denied, for example, if we are unable to verify your identity, or if your request exceeds your rights under the law. We will inform you in writing of the circumstances in which your request has been denied and the reasons for the denial.

您可以改变您授权我们继续收集个人信息的范围或撤回您的授权,但您撤回同意或授权的决定,不会影响此前基于您的授权而开展的个人信息处理行为。您可以通过下述“如何联系 AID”联系我们以寻求帮助,或通过声明中提供的方式自行操作。如使用 AID 网站,您可以访问网站并登录您的账号:“登录”>“消息中心”>“消息接收管理”,以关闭邮件、短信和系统通知。
You can change the scope of your authorization for us to continue collecting personal information or withdraw your authorization, but your decision to withdraw your consent or authorization will not affect the previous processing of personal information based on your authorization. You can contact us for assistance via "How to Contact AID" below, or you can do it yourself via the methods provided in the statement. If you use the AID website, you can visit the website and log in to your account: "Login" > "Message Center" > "Message Reception Management" to turn off emails, text messages and system notifications.

在 AID 账号相关业务中,您也可以通过注销账号的方式,撤回我们通过 AID 账号相关业务继续收集您个人信息的全部授权。
In AID account-related business, you can also withdraw all authorization for us to continue to collect your personal information through AID account-related business by canceling your account.

您可以在 AID 账号相关的服务中申请注销账号。您注销账号后,我们将停止为您提供服务,除法律法规另有规定外,我们将删除您的个人信息。销户后账号将不能恢复,若您想再次享受相关的服务,您需要重新注册账号。您注销上述账号的行为是不可逆行为,一旦您注销账号,将无法恢复 AID 向您提供该账号绑定的服务,建议您谨慎操作。具体注销流程详见“注销账号”。
You can apply to cancel your account in AID account-related services. After you cancel your account, we will stop providing services to you and, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations, we will delete your personal information. The account cannot be restored after cancellation. If you want to enjoy related services again, you need to register an account again. Your act of canceling the above account is irreversible. Once you cancel your account, you will not be able to resume the services bound to the account provided by AID. It is recommended that you operate with caution. For details on the specific cancellation process, see "Cancellation of Account".

当您使用 AID 应用的服务时,我们可能需要您开通一些设备权限,如存储、电话、相机、麦克风、日历、通讯录、联网、应用内安装其他应用、创建桌面快捷方式,具体目的如下:
When you use the services of the AID application, we may require you to activate some device permissions, such as storage, phone, camera, microphone, calendar, address book, networking, installation of other applications within the application, and creation of desktop shortcuts. The specific purposes are as follows:

  • 存储权限:当您首次打开 AID 应用时,您可以选择开启该权限,读取、修改或删除您的 SD 卡中的内容,用于保存、下载文件等操作。
    Storage permission: When you open the AID app for the first time, you can choose to turn on this permission to read, modify or delete the contents of your SD card for operations such as saving and downloading files.

  • 电话(设备信息)权限:当您首次打开 AID 应用时,您可以选择开启该权限,用于获取设备信息,以便保护服务和用户安全、防止欺诈等违法活动。
    Phone (device information) permission: When you open the AID app for the first time, you can choose to turn on this permission to obtain device information to protect service and user security and prevent fraud and other illegal activities.

  • 相机权限:当您在 AID 应用中使用拍照功能时,您需要开启该权限,用于拍摄照片或视频。
    Camera permission: When you use the camera function in the AID app, you need to enable this permission to take photos or videos.

  • 通讯录权限:当您在使用售前咨询、拨打电话服务时,您需要开启该权限,用于读取您的通讯录,选择联系人。
    Address book permission: When you use pre-sales consultation or make phone calls, you need to enable this permission to read your address book and select contacts.

  • 麦克风权限:当您在 AID 应用中使用人脸识别功能进行实名认证时,您需要开启该权限,用于您录制实名认证视频。
    Microphone permission: When you use the face recognition function for real-name authentication in the AID app, you need to enable this permission to record the real-name authentication video.

  • 面容 ID/指纹权限:当您在 AID 应用中使用安全锁校验功能时,您需要开启该权限以获取面容 ID/指纹权限。
    Face ID/Fingerprint permission: When you use the security lock verification function in the AID app, you need to turn on this permission to obtain Face ID/Fingerprint permission.

  • 日历权限:当您预约活动或商品时,您可以选择开启该权限,以便我们通过手机系统日历给您发送提醒。
    Calendar permission: When you reserve an event or product, you can choose to turn on this permission so that we can send you reminders through the mobile phone system calendar.

  • 软件安装列表权限:当您在 AID 应用中使用分享功能时,您需要开启该权限,以便我们向您展示相关软件列表。
    Software installation list permission: When you use the sharing function in the AID app, you need to turn on this permission so that we can show you the relevant software list.

  • 刷新权限:当您在 AID 应用中使用后台应用刷新功能时,您需要开启该权限,以便于为您提供刷新功能。
    Refresh permission: When you use the background application refresh function in the AID application, you need to enable this permission to provide you with the refresh function.

  • 悬浮窗权限:当您在 AID 应用中使用悬浮窗功能时,您需要开启该权限,以便于为您提供独立功能模块的悬浮功能。
    Floating window permission: When you use the floating window function in the AID application, you need to enable this permission to provide you with the floating function of independent function modules.

You can also choose to turn off some or all permissions at any time in the settings of your device, thereby refusing us to collect your corresponding personal information. In different devices, the permission display and closing methods may be different. For details, please refer to the device and system instructions or guidelines.

AID 如何处理未成年人的个人信息 How AID handles minors’ personal information

我们的服务面向成年人。如果没有父母或监护人的同意,未满 14 周岁的未成年人不得创建自己的用户账号。
Our services are intended for adults. Minors under the age of 14 may not create their own user accounts without the consent of a parent or guardian.

对于经父母同意而收集的未满 14 周岁的未成年人个人信息的情况,我们只会在受到法律允许、父母或监护人明确同意或者保护未满 14 周岁的未成年人所必要的情况下使用或披露此个人信息。
For personal information collected from minors under 14 years of age with parental consent, we will only use it when permitted by law, with explicit consent from parents or guardians, or when necessary to protect minors under 14 years of age. Disclosure of this Personal Information.

如果 AID 发现自己在未事先获得可证实的父母同意的情况下,收集了未满 14 周岁的未成年人的个人信息,则会设法尽快删除相关个人信息。
If AID discovers that it has collected personal information from minors under the age of 14 without first obtaining verifiable parental consent, it will try to delete the relevant personal information as soon as possible.

您的个人信息如何进行转移 How your personal information is transferred

您的个人信息将被存储于中国大陆境内的服务器,我们通过遍布全球的资源和服务为您提供服务,这意味着,您的个人信息可能会因履行与您签订的合同所必需而被转移到您使用服务所在国家/地区、 AID 关联公司或服务提供商、合作伙伴所在国家/地区,或者受到来自这些国家/地区的访问。
Your personal information will be stored on servers in mainland China. We provide you with resources and services around the world, which means that your personal information may be transferred to The country/region in which you use the Service, or where AID affiliates or service providers or partners are located, or are accessed from these countries/regions.

本声明如何更新 How this statement can be updated

We may update or modify this Statement from time to time based on changes to our services or the processing of personal information. If we update this statement, we will show you the changed statement in the form of announcements, pop-up windows, etc. If we make any major changes to this statement in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, we will notify you through appropriate channels and obtain your consent again.

如何联系 AID How to contact AID

Contact email:service@daasapi.com

If you are not satisfied with our response, especially when our personal information processing behavior harms your legitimate rights and interests, you can also file a lawsuit with the people's court with jurisdiction, complain to the industry self-discipline association or relevant government regulatory agencies Wait for external solutions. You can also ask us for information about relevant complaint channels that may be available.